We’re UCSC’s official Amateur Radio Club!

Want to get officially licensed as an Amateur (or “Ham”) Radio Operator? Interested in RF? Do you have a general enthusiasm for engineering? Do you want to learn more?

Join the club and we can help you get on the air! Go to the “Meetings” page to find out when we’re meeting next and drop by when you can. All are welcome, no prior experience necessary!

radio club members constructing yagi antennas from pvc pipe and measuring tape in the club room

The Amateur Radio Club has been active at UCSC since 2002 after IEEE Student Chapter members first became involved.  The club was informally formed in 2010, and unofficially recognized by the School of Engineering in 2012. Following official recognition by the ARRL and efforts by students since that time, the club ratified its Constitution and Bylaws on March 12, 2014, thereby gaining official status as a student organization at UCSC.

"W6SLG" spelled out in lights at night