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- Exam date suggestions:
- Saturday, Jan 11th 2025 (weekend after week 1 winter quarter)
- Would be in time to get everyone HAM certified before winter field day at the end of January
- There is also a HamStudy app
- 10/10 would recommend, questions are exactly the same as the real exam
- Recommended: Study for both Technician and General exams (order goes: technician, general, then amateur extra)
- Went over what the website looks like
- Question pool, ways to memorize, different subjects within the exam
- Fox hunt:
- Using a radio thingy (receiver) to find a fox (transmitter)
- Uses signals to check for high and low transmitter signals
- Goal is to get to the fox the fastest and with the least amount of distance traveled
- November 9th, in Dublin Saturday
- No license needed
- Will post a sign up on discord
- People have offered rides to get there but we need a headcount to know how many cars to take
- Fox hunt website:
- 50 square mile hunt
- Goes until someone finds it
- Went over the polar pattern and why is works
- Antenna building workshop if that is of interest to the club one day (before foxhunt?)
- CW workshop?
- HAM Radio Net
- A gathering of operators over the air (everyone in a diff location)
- Talking over a band
- Check In before meeting
- More than just UCSC
- Basically hanging out with people but on the air
- For announcements and practice operating a radio
- Very structured/organized
- Next Meeting:
- Begin antenna construction for the Fox Hunt