1. Exam date suggestions:
    1. Saturday, Jan 11th 2025 (weekend after week 1 winter quarter)
      1. Would be in time to get everyone HAM certified before winter field day at the end of January
  1. HamStudy.org
    1. There is also a HamStudy app
      1. 10/10 would recommend, questions are exactly the same as the real exam 
      2. Recommended: Study for both Technician and General exams (order goes: technician, general, then amateur extra) 
    2. Went over what the website looks like
      1. Question pool, ways to memorize, different subjects within the exam
  2. Fox hunt:
    1. Using a radio thingy (receiver) to find a fox (transmitter)
      1. Uses signals to check for high and low transmitter signals
        1. Goal is to get to the fox the fastest and with the least amount of distance traveled
      2. November 9th, in Dublin Saturday
      3. No license needed
      4. Will post a sign up on discord
        1. People have offered rides to get there but we need a headcount to know how many cars to take
    2. Fox hunt website:
      1. 50 square mile hunt
      2. Goes until someone finds it
    3. Went over the polar pattern and why is works
  1. Antenna building workshop if that is of interest to the club one day (before foxhunt?)
  1. CW workshop?
  1. HAM Radio Net
    1. A gathering of operators over the air (everyone in a diff location)
      1. Talking over a band
      2. Check In before meeting
      3. More than just UCSC
      4. Basically hanging out with people but on the air
    2. For announcements and practice operating a radio
      1. Very structured/organized
  1. Next Meeting:
    1. Begin antenna construction for the Fox Hunt