UCSC HAM Club Meeting & Minutes

Baskin Engineering room 330
March 3rd, 2010

3:30 – Meeting with Chris Gaylord, Fire Captain & Emergency Manager


Stephen PetersenAC6P
Bob VitaleKG6MBS
Chris Gaylord 
Milo HoltKJ6AQP

Topic: Preliminary arrangements for coordinating UCSC Emergency Operations Center (EOC) with the Ham Club. The UCSC EOC is located at the base of campus, but is currently without a dedicated HAM station. AC6P & KG6MBS propose a permanent antenna be installed on or near the EOC building, with dangling coax to be connected in emergencies (equipment could be stored in E2 – 516). Subtopics included:

  1. County EOC communication/coordination.
  2. Internal campus communications – identify local UCSC communications, build the repeater.
  3. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).
  4. HAM inclusion in periodic UCSC emergency response meetings.

4:00 – Ham Club Meeting

Attendees:  (including the above, less Gaylord)

Ben FriedlanderAD6JA
Erick CastilloAE6UF
Kerry VeenstraK6RRY
John VececkyKB8TUQ
Suellen PetersenKG6CPA
Joe MendesKJ6AQN
Jas CondleyKJ6AQQ
Colin Beighley 
Brian Simmons 

Topics (volunteers):

  1. UCSC Repeater, to be set up in E2 – 516:
    • Controller (K6RRY)
    • Duplexer (AC6P)
    • Radio (AE6UF)
    • Cable placement/routing (KG6MBS)
    • Frequency Acquisition (AC6P)
    • Official Paperwork (KJ6AQQ)
  2. Ham Exam
    • Spring quarter (April 3rd or April 10th).
  3. Next Ham Meeting
    • to be determined after Spring quarter schedule confirmed.
  4. Formal Ham Club (KJ6AQP, KG6CPA)