This page has links to resources that club members may find useful

Club pages:
     UCSC ARC Repeater
     UCSC ARC Satellite Station 
 (requires an account)

     Current U.S. Amateur Bands
     fcc License Search
     Grid Squares

Logging Software
     N1MM – Popular contest logging software.

HF Propagation
     Tutorial on HF Radio Ionospheric Propagation
     VOACAP – Versatile online HF (3-30MHz) propagation prediction program.
     PSK Reporter
     Boulder Ionosonde
     Austin Ionosonde
     Sunspot Index and Long-Term Solar Observations

Space Weather
     GOES X-ray Flux   
     Space Weather Summary
     Solar Synoptic Map
     Solar Region Summary
     Solar and Heliospheric image Viwer